World Patient Safety, Science & Technology Summit
As the Omicron variant continues to put stress on our global healthcare systems, the Patient Safety Movement Foundation has decided to postpone the virtual World Patient Safety, Science & Technology Summit (WPSSTS) to April 29th through 30th.
This decision supports our efforts to prioritize the well-being of the healthcare industry professionals who would normally attend this event.
We want to thank you for all the work you continue to do day in and day out to provide quality patient care and hope the event’s new date will allow you the time needed to recuperate from this latest surge.
We are excited to see you virtually at the end of April. Please stay connected for emerging details as they become available.
The 2022 World Patient Safety, Science & Technology Summit (WPSSTS) is co-convened by the American Society of Anesthesiologists, the European Society of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care, International Society for Quality in Health Care and the World Federation of Societies of Anaesthesiologists, and will celebrate the Patient Safety Movement Foundation’s first 10 years of achievements. The 2022 WPSSTS will confront leading patient safety issues with actionable ideas and innovations to transform the continuum of care by dramatically improving patient safety and eliminating preventable patient harm and death.
The WPSSTS brings together all stakeholders; we need everyone to step up and be part of the solution. We invite international hospital leaders, patient and family member advocates who have experienced harm, public policymakers and government officials, other non-profits working toward zero harm, healthcare technologists, engineers, and the future of healthcare – students and residents. All stakeholders are invited to actively and intimately plan solutions around the leading patient safety challenges that cause preventable patient deaths in hospitals and healthcare organizations worldwide.
The WPSSTS will also feature keynote addresses from public figures, patient safety experts, and plenary sessions with healthcare luminaries, patient advocates, as well as announcements from organizations who have made their own commitments to reach the Patient Safety Movement Foundation’s vision of ZERO preventable harm and death across the globe by 2030.