活動預告: 每月網絡研討會系列 – 循証醫學 第四期 Upcoming Event: Monthly Webinar Series – Evidence-based Medicine #4

Date: 2021-12-19 20:00-21:00
Format: Online Virtual Platform – ZOOM
Meeting ID: 825 9849 0078
Passcode: 707559
Language: Cantonese & Mandarin

Topic: Diagnostic test and Clinical Prediction Rule

Speaker: Dr. Peter Pang
– Founding chairman, Hong Kong College of Emergency Medicine (HKCEM) EBM Subcommittee
– International Faculty of Asia Pacific EBM workshops and conferences, Singapore

Guest Speaker: Mr Deng Qiangting (Language: Mandarin)
– Editor of Journal of Third Military Medical University
– Senior Engineer of National SPSS Data Analysis
– Member of the Scientific Research and Publishing Committee of the Chinese Medical Doctor Association

Guest Speaker: Ms Cheng Po Yee Ivy
– Fellow of the Hong Kong Academy of Nursing ( Mental Health)
– International faculty of Asia Pacific EBMN workshop and conference, Singapore

To register:
Sign up with free account on 3e-health.com platform
Click “Take this course” in the seminar area (https://3e-health.com/courses/monthly-webinar-series-evidence-based-medicine-dr-peter-pang/)
ZOOM invitation link and pre-reading materials can be accessed

Programme Highlights:
Starting from September 26, 2021, there will be a webinar series focusing on Evidence-based Medicine and Dr. Peter Pang and different speakers will share relevant knowledge on Evidence-based Medicine for eight consecutive months.
The seminar will be conducted mainly in Cantonese, and it will be on the last Sunday of every month.
Pre-reading materials can be downloaded in 3e-Health in advance after registration.

Should you have any further advice, please do not hesitate to contact us. (info@medsimhealth.com)

時間: 2021年12月19日 20:00-21:00
形式: Online Virtual Platform – ZOOM
會議號: 825 9849 0078
密碼: 707559
語言: 粵語﹑普通話混合授課


主講人: 彭繼茂醫生
– 香港急症科醫學院循證醫學委員會創會會長
– 亞太循證醫學工作坊 (新加坡) 國際導師

– 《第三軍醫大學學報》編輯
– 國家SPSS數據分析高級工程師
– 中國醫師協會科研與出版專業委員會委員

– 香港護理專科學院院士 (精神健康)
– 亞太循證醫學工作坊 (新加坡) 國際導師

報名方法︰在3e-health.com 平台免費註冊帳號,即可登錄是次研討會專區 (https://3e-health.com/courses/monthly-webinar-series-evidence-based-medicine-dr-peter-pang/)


如有查詢,歡迎聯絡3e-Health (info@medsimhealth.com)

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